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/about me

      I've lived in Tucson, Arizona my whole life and am a current senior at Cienega High School. I was first introduced to the whole SEP Process two years ago when my sister was a senior at Cienega. She first shadowed a physical trainer and eventually ended up shadowing a neonatal nurse. She immediately fell in love with it and went on to run a medical clinic in Ghana, Africa. She just recently applied to the University of Arizona's College of Nursing. Her passions rubbed off on me and I also became intereseted in nursing soon after enrolling in Honors Anatomy and Physiology at Cienega. I became entriguied with the human body and I was easily able to set up shadowing hours with Ms. Melanie Welch, the same nurse my sister shadowed.

Cienega High School

12775 E Mary Ann Cleveland Way

Tucson, AZ 85641

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